Vernon Smith Information

Vernon Smith

Vernon Smith

Comic Artist
New Orleans, LA

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Vernon Smith hates it when people refer to themselves in the third person. He believes it is a transparent attempt at professionalism that merely serves to drive more distance between creator and reader.

I was born and raised in New Orleans and have been drawing comics for as long as I can recall. My first published work was a comic book called One Boat that I wrote and drew when I was 7 years old. In high school I developed a comic book called The Protectorate and filled up about 5 notebooks and sketchbooks with plotlines, fully written stories, and layout illustrations. I later renamed the series to Port Authority and tried putting it out in my first newbie attempt at self-publishing...boy did I learn a lot! After the Port Authority attempt, I dropped out of the comics scene for a couple of years until a wombat cowboy by the name of Dexter Breakfast pulled me back in. Since then I've been putting out comic books, graphic novels and children's books as fast as I can draw them! Please try to keep up.

Though I'm a Fine Arts major (in the area of Digital Media) from the University Of New Orleans, most of my training really comes from years of self-discipline and personal observation, and the drive to push myself to make the type of comics I'd actually like to read.

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